Set - HLTAID001 (CPR) & UETTDRRF06B (LV Panel)
These Competency Standard Unit’s cover the performance
of rescue procedures from a live Low Voltage apparatus,
not including overhead lines and underground cables in the
work place. It specifies the mandatory requirements of
rescue from a live LV panel encompassing responsibilities
for health, safety and risk management processes at all
operative levels.
HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
UETTDRRF06B Perform rescue from a live LV panel
It is recommended this unit be renewed every 12 months in line with industry standards. Locate the most current training package at
Our obligation to you
We are required to provide clear evidence to enable you to decide if this course is suitable for you. This course teaches the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines and rescue from a live Low Voltage (LV) apparatus (not including overhead lines and underground cables) in the workplace. This course is developed for existing workers in the industry who may be required to rescue someone form an LV emergency and provide CPR.
Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 is responsible for the quality of the training and assessment and will be issuing the statement of attainment for this unit even if the training is provided by an authorised third party.
Choosing a training or education provider
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has developed a fact sheet to allow you to be fully informed about your decision to enroll in a course of study. We recommend reading this information prior to enrolling. It is available by clicking here.
Are there physical requirements for this course?
It is important to note that there are physical standards which relate to the level of performance required when undertaking accredited training. The HLTAID competency standards require a level of physical ability to provide resuscitation and respond to an emergency situation where there may be risk to life. One requirement of the training package is that you are to be assessed as physically capable of performing uninterrupted CPR for at least 2 minutes on an adult CPR manikin placed on the floor. There can be no exceptions to these Australian Government requirements that are clearly written into the Training Package. Therefore, students who are unable to satisfy the physical requirements of the course cannot be deemed competent or issued with a statement of attainment, even if the qualification is a necessary part of their employment conditions.